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The Ketagalan Virtues Portfolio - FOW


IX Renewables offers comprehensive consultancy and management services across the entire lifecycle of two significant floating offshore wind development projects in Taiwan, Rui-Li and Rui-Yao, collectively known as the Ketagalan Virtues Portfolio. From initial site selection through to project execution, IX Renewables leverages its industry expertise to ensure project success.

Services Provided

Site Selection and Design

Using advanced GIS technology, IX Renewables conducted thorough analyses to determine the most suitable sites for (floating) wind energy, focusing on balancing technical feasibility, environmental sustainability, regulatory compliance and economic viability.

Site selection and design: A precision driven approach

IX Renewables provided site selection and design services for Rui-Li and Rui-Yao, utilizing Geographical Information Systems (GIS) for site analysis. This method allowed for the evaluation of geographical and environmental data to identify suitable locations for energy generation while considering environmental impacts. It included Levelized Cost of Energy (LCoE) calculations, which helped determine the economic viability of potential sites by analyzing costs and energy output. Choosing sites with lower LCoE values aimed to ensure the project was both economically feasible and sustainable.

GIS technology was crucial for integrating data on various data sources, aiding in the selection of optimal sites in a systematic, well defined manner. The process then moved into the design phase, where the initial layout of wind turbines was planned, taking site-specific characteristics into account. This phase aimed to create a concept design (see below) that balanced energy production, cost-effectiveness, and environmental considerations. An iterative approach to design allowed for adjustments based on feasibility, focusing on creating a practical project plan. This service by IX Renewables emphasized a systematic approach to achieving a sustainable and efficient project outcome.

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Management

IX Renewables undertook, in collaboration with a local EIA consultancy company, a comprehensive EIA process, blending global best practices with local expertise. IX Renewables manages the process, ensuring that the EIA meets all regulatory and stakeholder expectations, thus safeguarding the project's environmental and moral integrity.

Ensuring Environmental Integrity through Strategic EIA Management with Economic Insight

For the Rui-Li and Rui-Yao projects in Taiwan, conducting an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) was critical to ensure the projects' adherence to environmental sustainability standards. To this end, Rui-Li brought together IX Renewables and a local EIA consultancy company, leveraging their combined expertise. This partnership allowed the project to benefit from both global best practices and local insights specific to Taiwan.

The process was designed to be thorough yet realistic, avoiding any overstatements that could lead to unnecessary costs, and aiming to balance the project’s needs with those of the community and other stakeholders.

In summary, Rui-Li’s decision to work with both IX Renewables and a local EIA consultancy company, demonstrates a comprehensive approach to the EIA. IX Renewables provided critical oversight, ensuring the EIA process was well-managed and aligned with project objectives, while the local EIA consultancy company’s execution focused on gathering and analyzing environmental data. This partnership ensured the EIA was grounded in both global expertise and local context, facilitating regulatory approval and reinforcing the project's commitment to environmental and community well-being.

The initial focus on feasibility aimed to provide a clear snapshot of the project's financial aspects, ensuring that all preliminary considerations were examined. As the projects progress, this financial model is further refined and expanded, continuing to be an important asset for guiding strategic decisions across subsequent phases. The model's adaptability will allow it to inform decision-making processes for the development team as they navigate the complexities of procurement, achieve financial close, and move towards the fabrication, construction, and installation stages. This approach underscores IX Renewables' commitment to offering services that not only meet immediate project needs but also anticipate and prepare for future demands, ensuring stakeholders have a reliable basis for making informed decisions throughout the project lifecycle.

